We offer an affordable Non-Compete Agreement that safeguards your business interests by prohibiting current and former employees or partners from starting a competing business for a specific period in a defined geographical area (consistent with Texas law). The agreement is customized to suit your needs and covers issues such as confidentiality (protecting your customer lists, business methods), non-solicitation (preventing the taking of your clients and employees), and non-disclosure (that your business secrets cannot be used by anyone else). Our experienced lawyers will guide you through the process of drafting a comprehensive non-compete agreement that will protect your business from these forms of unfair competition. With our Non-Compete Agreement, you can focus on growing your business without worrying about your confidential information or intellectual property being used against you. Contact us today to learn more about our Non-Compete Agreement services.
Non-Compete Agreement
Subject to our Terms & Conditions.
This package includes the drafting on one (1) Non-Complete Agreement that will include restrictive covenants that prohibit (a) employees and business partners from engaging in competitive business against you for period of time in a certain area, (b) prevent soliciation of your employees and customers by employees and partners, (c) and non-disclosure provision to prevent employees from using your confidential information and business secrets for their own benefit. This agreement can be a used as model for use with employees, independent contractors, and outside business partners.
Package also includes a 30-minute telephone or Zoom conference to discuss your business' needs and to explain the nature and limitations of such agreements.